Visiting Professionals
We work very closely with a range of visiting professionals as appropriate to a child’s individual needs. Our children and families may need access to health and other professionals such as:
For those children who are assessed as needing occupational therapy support the school will liaise with professionals from different branches of OT. For assistance in obtaining special equipment or adaptations to a home, Occupational Therapy may be called upon from The Children’s Trust. Following a referral, Children’s Occupational Therapists visit school and assess and advise on individual children’s needs and how best to support them at home and at school.
For pupils who have impaired vision or hearing, teachers from the Specialist Support Service may visit the school to assess pupils and provide advice on equipment and teaching methodology.
Supportive help is available to staff and parents of children with learning or behavioural difficulties through our Behaviour and Autism Consultant, who makes regular visits to the school.
Please find important information for parents regarding health provision here.
For those children who are assessed as needing physiotherapy intervention this provision is delivered by NHS physiotherapy staff visiting the school. If equipment is required, it is specifically purchased through the Primary Care Trust and every child who needs it has their own equipment in school. This might be for example, a specialist chair and tray to support learning in class and/or a standing frame to practice weight bearing and standing. Some children may also have walking frames and specialist footwear as needed. Teachers and support staff in class are instructed in how to position children by the Physiotherapist or their assistant and they are then responsible for implementing any physiotherapy programmes. Our school has, as required, appropriate moving and handling equipment such as a range of hoists to facilitate the safe moving and handling of children. As required, staff physically assisting children with transfers are trained in the safe moving and handling of children with special needs.
For those children who are assessed as needing speech and language intervention, this provision is delivered in school. Following a referral, Speech and Language Therapists will assess individual children and will write targets for them that are specific to their needs. Communication aids are developed for those children who are non-verbal. As appropriate, a range of systems of communication such as Makaton and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) are used, and at every opportunity children are encouraged to be as independent as possible with their communication. NHS Speech and Language Therapists also support individual children experiencing difficulties with their eating and drinking (dysphagia).
A school nurse is provided by the local NHS Trust to monitor all children in the school. Parents/carers may receive direct contact by the school nurse to discuss their child’s needs. Clinics may be held on or off school site. Where school nurses are based within a school, clinics and meetings are likely to be held on the school site. Additional NHS care professional may also visit school site to support pupils with specific medical needs.
Many parents/carers of children with ongoing medical needs may choose to have their child’s medical needs monitored and reviewed by a paediatrician from the Community Health Care Trust. The paediatrician, or ‘school doctor’ may on occasion hold a clinic at school rather than at hospital, supported by a school nurse. Each pupil can expect to be seen at least once a year and parents/carers are expected to attend. Parents may request an appointment if they are in any way concerned as to their child’s medical condition or general health.
For families who feel they require additional help Leycroft Academy is able to signpost to services through a dedicated Family Support Worker. Our Family Support Worker will assess the family’s needs in line with Birmingham’s Right Help Right Time criteria and provide targeted support for an agreed period of time.