Higher education and/or employment
Through the curriculum the pupils will find out about jobs people do and how these jobs help others. They will go to places of work and leisure. They will through their CEIAG work and themed assemblies explore different jobs and understand what key attributes help people to get those jobs. They will do a form of work experience at a level they can access and experience structures and routines daily just as they would if they were in work. For example, they will have concrete experiences such as being a postman, delivering letters around the school, or being a park warden, litter picking and tending the school gardens. Their basic skills for life will be developed through the curriculum in the key areas of English, Maths and Science and through the wider curriculum. For the more able pupils who are meeting the required standard they will have access to the SATS.
Independent living
In this primary school we will be developing the early skills of resilience, the ability to follow routines and the ability to develop independence such as going to the toilet or dining hall with reducing levels of support. Pupils will be given choices at mealtimes, with enrichment activities, making friendship groups, and accessing safe places and familiar people. Through developing their behaviour for learning strategies in the classroom they will be more able to develop the basic skills of literacy, maths and life skills that they will need later in life for the world of work or independent living.
Participating in society, including having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community
Pupils will be fully engaged in the life of the school, participating in all lessons, in assemblies, educational visits, being part of the charitable activities of the school and supporting pupils who join the school. They will be visible in the community and be supported to make strong friendship groups with peers and adults through curriculum delivery. Role play and drama sessions will explore feelings and challenge intolerance.
Being as healthy as possible in adult life.
Pupils will be taught through science and PHSE lessons how to keep themselves safe, cook food and eat well, take responsibility for their personal hygiene and to understand how to keep in safe spaces away from potentially dangerous adults and peers. They will learn about how to communicate so that their wishes and feelings are heard and this will support their mental health and well-being and keep them safe.