Key information for our existing and prospective parents and carers.
Safety Online
Children are using the internet at younger and younger ages and, regardless of your stance on this, it’s important to ensure they understand the risks and how to stay safe, however they’re using the web.
Term Dates
See this page for our school term dates.
Upcoming school events can be found here.
Joining the School
Admissions are co-ordinated by Birmingham City Council, who are also responsible for determining the number of places available. Although placement usually results from a recommendation on a child's Education, Health and Care Plan, Birmingham City Council may request a placement as part of the ongoing assessment process. Children may be admitted at any time in the school year and arrangements to visit the school can be made by contacting the school.
Safeguarding pupils is the priority at Leycroft Academy. We aim to involve parents and carers in all decisions concerning their child but in certain circumstances it may be necessary to consult or make a direct referral to the Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) where to do otherwise could result in significant or increased risk of harm to a child. We shall also comply with any mandatory reporting responsibilities.
Family Support Team
Each pupil at Leycroft is unique and brings to the family their own set of attributes and challenges. The family support team can offer practical advice and guidance when these challenges are making family life tricky. We work closely with the teachers and teaching support staff to ensure that the advice and support we are providing can be transferred to the classroom and at home.
Special Educational Needs Local Offer
View our SEND Local Offer and SEND Information Report.
The curriculum offer and wrap around support for our pupils is bespoke to their needs and abilities. Forward Education Trust will ensure that pupils experience a curriculum which is concrete (experiential), pictoral or abstract depending on need and through these modes using a wide range of resources to engage the learners.
Communications with Parents
Leycroft Academy prides itself on being a community that extends to parents/carers, families and beyond. We appreciate that many of our pupils live some distance from school and come to school on school transport.
EHCP Reviews
EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plans) are reviewed once every year.
Moving to a New School
Moving from our school to a new school