Part of the Forward Education Trust


Safeguarding pupils is the priority at Leycroft Academy. We aim to involve parents and carers in all decisions concerning their child but in certain circumstances it may be necessary to consult or make a direct referral to the Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) where to do otherwise could result in significant or increased risk of harm to a child. We shall also comply with any mandatory reporting responsibilities.

Working together to Safeguard and Protect Leycroft Academy School

Our first priority is the welfare of your child and of the whole family. Here at Leycroft we take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of our pupils. All staff share this commitment. We have consistent, effective safeguarding procedures in place to support families, students and staff at Leycroft. We take care to meet the needs of pupils who find communication difficult to enable them to share any concerns they may have. We are proud of our strong family partnerships that allow us to work together to ensure that children and young people feel safe and able to thrive. Concerns about a pupil are discussed with parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that doing so would place the pupil in harm.

Leycroft Academy fulfils its local and national responsibilities as laid in the following documents:

Here is Leycroft Academy’s latest Safeguarding Policy :

Meet the Safeguarding Team :

Patrick Jones – Lead DSL and Headteacher
Kelly Westwood – Lead DSL and Deputy Head Teacher
Zoe Redding – DDSL & Assistant Head/Senco
Lynne Johnson – DDSL & Family Support Worker
Keeley Fraser – DDSL & Safeguarding and Attendance Lead

What to do if you are concerned about a child:

If you are concerned about a child that maybe at risk of harm, you can report this in the following ways :

Prevent or Radicalisation

Leycroft Academy is committed to keeping children, young people and adults safe from all forms of extremism. All staff and visitors are expected to uphold principles of British Values including liberty and mutual respect, rule of law and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. This is inline with the DfE guidance to minimise the threat of extremism. Please see below a link to Leycroft’s Prevent Risk Assessment :

Operation Encompass

Leycroft Academy supports operation encompass, a police lead initiative which has been designed to provide early reporting to schools of any domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of school and may have an impact of a child attending school the following day.

Operation En

Leycroft Academy working in Partnership with :

Birmingham childrens trust
Operation En